Southern Bohemia festival Kovářov [ Folklore festival FoS CZ ]Southern Bohemia festival Kovářov
The folklore ensemble Kovářovan has been holding a southern Bohemia festival called Kovářov, traditionally at the end of May and beginning of June since 1996. The participants are other folklore ensembles from southern Bohemia as well as guests from other regions in the Czech Republic or even from abroad. Besides all the folklore programmes there are also some accompanying programs to see such as dramatic performances, folk fairs, handcraft shops, tasting of Bohemian cuisine, funfest, flying ballons, fireworks and so on. The festival is unique in this region and belongs to the most important festivals and folk festivities in the Czech Republic. It’s cosponzors are Národní ústav lidové kultury ve Strážnici (the National Institute of Folk Culture in Strážnice), FOS (Foklore association in CR), the city of Kovářov and Jihočeské folklórní sdružení (Southern Bohemia folklore association). The festival is also supported by other important instituions, organizations, celebrities and sponzors. You are well invited to attend the Southern Bohemia festival in Kovářov. CONTACT ADDRESS:Jihočeský folklorní festival Milan a Pavla Škochovi Kovářov 3 398 55 Kovářov Czechia (CZ)tel: (+420) 382 594 106 e-mail: milan.skoch@tiscali.cz DOCUMENTS
INFORMATION: http://prezentace.adam.cz/fos/jihoceskyffkovarov.pdf Type: Folklore festival FoS CZ LAST MODIFY: Luděk Šorm (FOLKLOR.CZ) org. 24, 06.05.2007 v 14:40 hodin součást prezentačního a rezervačního systému Doménová koule ® |