Zemřel pan Alexander VeigelPoslední rozloučení s panem Alexandrem Veiglem se uskuteční 15.12.2007
"The stranger standing next to you Alexander Veigl
Dec.4th., 1928 - Nov. 26th, 2007 Founder and Secretary General of the "Internationale Organisation für Volkskunst - IOV” and lately Honorary President of the IOV Honorary Chairman of the "Volkskultur Niederösterreich" President of the "Bund der Österreichischen Trachten- und Heimatverbände" a.D. Honorary member and a member of numerous clubs and organizations In deep mourning we deliver the painful message that our honorary president has left us on Monday, November 26th, 2007, in his 79th year of age. He endured his illness with great bravery, and until at last he supported the objectives and the further development of IOV Our dear deceased friend will be laid out in the parish and pilgrimage church of Maria Enzersdorf on Saturday, December 15th, 2007, from 10.40 o’clock on, at 11.00 o’clock the holy mass will be celebrated. After the church service our deceased friend will be laid to rest on Maria Enzersdorf Romantic Cemetery, south entrance, Grenzgasse. In deep friendship and gratitude and in the name of all IOV members worldwide Presidential Council and Executive Board of IOV The Veigl family asks not to donate flowers and wreaths and instead of this to donate to the Alexander Veigl - IOV- Charity Fund Kto.Nr. : 32100055958 bei der Sparkasse Oberösterreich, BLZ : 20320 IBAN : AT432032032100055958 - BIC/SWIFT : ASPKAT2L IOV DALŠÍ INFORMACE: Folklorní sdružení ČR SOUVISEJÍCÍ TISKOVÉ ZPRÁVY A ČLÁNKY
Zveřejněno 29.11.2007 v 22:00 hodin součást prezentačního a rezervačního systému Doménová koule ® |